[Present] day

Instra gets the 100% renewable energy certificate

3 de July de 2020


Instra gets the 100% renewable energy certificate

One of the main areas of Instra Ingenieros are renewable energy projects. For years we have been working in the engineering of wind and photovoltaic parks as well as developing technological products and solutions for both sectors. We are a company that lives and breathes renewable energy.

For all these reasons, our commitment to renewable energy is total. Not only as a company that develops engineering and technology services for the sector, but also internally, establishing actions in our own facilities to reduce Co2 emissions and to help drive the change in the energy model.

In relation to these actions within the company, we have obtained certification that our facilities have used and are using 100% energy from renewable sources. It could not be otherwise. As a company that works for the sector and seeks to improve and innovate in it, we owe it to ourselves and to our clients to use that energy that we help with our services and products to generate.
