New edition of ‘Outlook 2024. Eólica en Galicia’, the publication of the Clúster de Enerxías Renovables de Galicia (Cluergal) edited in agreement with INEGA.
The document includes articles by several professionals related to the wind energy sector in Galicia: Jose Manuel Pazo Paniagua, Fernando Blanco Silva, Pablo Egerique Mosquera and Laura Rodríguez and two editorials signed by José Ramón Franco Caaveiro, president of Cluergal, and Pablo Fernández Vila, director of energy planning and mines of the Xunta de Galicia. It also includes an interview with María Landeira, Naturgy's renewables delegate in Galicia, and finally a guide to companies in the sector.
From Instra Ingenieros, we are proud to contribute with the article: ‘How AI transforms the renewable future of Galicia? Smart Wind Energy’, written by our business development manager, Laura Rodríguez Couce.
In it we explore how Artificial Intelligence is revolutionising wind energy in Galicia. The combination of AI and renewable energy is not just the future, it is the present we are building!
You can read the full publication at this link: